The Mike Hall Coronial Inquest
NB: Mike’s former partner, Anna Haslock, has reviewed and approved this post by Cycle.
What we know …
Mike Hall was struck by a car on Friday, 31 March 2017, on the Monaro Highway south of Canberra at approximately 6:22 am. Mike was riding a bicycle, and was on the correct side of the road. He was struck from behind, and died from his injuries at the scene.
We know that Mike was an experienced cyclist who had participated in a number of international endurance races. In March 2017, Mike was participating in the IPWR, a race from Fremantle to Sydney.
We know from GPS tracking data that Mike spent approximately seven hours stationery in Cooma in NSW the night before he was struck. We also know that Mike spent approximately five hours stationery in Corryong in Victoria the night before that. Much of his time at these two locations would also have been spent sleeping.
We know from two videos that Mike’s rear lights were sufficiently bright, and that the make and model were high quality and well respected.
We know that the ACT Police have not yet laid any charges in relation to this matter, and the name of the driver has not been made public.
We know that the ACT Coroner is set to hold a Coroner’s inquest into Mike Hall’s death from 24-26 September 2018 in Canberra. Mike’s former partner, Anna Haslock, will be in attendance.
Since the accident some rumour and conjecture has been circulated and we feel it is important that any rumour is treated as such and that the inquest is given the space and time to proceed before conclusions are determined.
Cycle hopes that …
Cycle hopes that the ACT Coroner has been presented with full, complete and balanced evidence regarding the circumstances surrounding the crash that killed Mike Hall and that following the inquest the public will come to know the full circumstances of Mike Hall’s death.
The findings and recommendations of the ACT Coroner are important.
The findings and recommendations of the Coroner in the Australian Capital Territory (the ACT) are important as they may be used as a precedent for recommendations in other Australian states.
The findings and recommendations are important for the future safety of those – both residents of and visitors to Australia – who ride a bicycle on public roads in Australia.
The findings, recommendations and any subsequent actions by ACT Government and Police are also important for the family and friends – all over the world – of Mike Hall.
The Australian Cycle Alliance inc will have representatives at the ACT Coroner’s inquest.
About the Australian Cycle Alliance
The Australian Cycle Alliance (‘Cycle’) is a not-for-profit organisation that creates and shares social media content about everyday cycling in Australia. We provide content, moderation and commentary with the aim of ensuring that media coverage across the nation is fair and balanced, and represents the interests of the whole community.
We represent a broad and diverse range of people who ride bicycles, whether they are young, old, women, kids, wearing lycra, in business attire, or riding to the local shops in bare feet.
Cycle works with a wide range of organisations at national, state and local level, including governments, businesses, communities and individuals.
There are 3.6 million Australians who ride a bicycle at least once a week. Eight million Australians ride at least once a year. We want to encourage more people to ride, and to benefit from the joy of riding for fitness, fun and transport.
CYCLE’s core guiding principles
- To ensure that media coverage about cycling is fair and balanced.
- To share and create media content about everyday cycling in Australia.
- To represent a broad and diverse range of people who ride bicycles for fitness, fun and transport.
- To engage and work positively with other organisations at national, state and local level to:
- facilitate better planning and building of safe cycling networks
- remove barriers and impediments to participation
- educate the community about important cycling-related issues
- provide resources, support and information
- reach the broader community.
- To foster an environment that encourages and enables people to ride their bikes wherever they live, whatever they ride, and whatever their ability.
Media contact via :
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Edward Hore
President, Australian Cycle Alliance inc phone: tba
mobile: 0418 301 031
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.